The Center for Patient Safety always loves to celebrate safe care! To support the year-round efforts of our healthcare providers, professionals, support teams, and consumers, we are setting aside time to highlight important patient safety issues, spread awareness, and help with the re-commitment of combined community efforts during Patient Safety Awareness Week.
The Center for Patient Safety is encouraging the acknowledgment and celebration of efforts to improve safe care throughout healthcare. We invite you to celebrate and bring the care team together!
Tip 1 – Download the PSAW Toolkit to your computer
Tip 2 – Plan an event or several events to recognize patient safety efforts at your organization.
Tip 3 – Check out Institute for Healthcare Improvement's Patient Safety Awareness page for more information on their Patient Safety Awareness Week Campaign. Look for additional resources, studies, and research for providers.
Tip 4 – Make it fun! Come up with a theme for the week or each day, watch videos, take quizzes, and play games to identify areas of safety concern. Identify ways that allow everyone in the organization to get involved.
Tip 5 – Consider launching an employee culture survey during Patient Safety Awareness Week. The additional campaign awareness can help achieve a strong response rate.
If you’re a health system, hospital, EMS agency, nursing home, home care or hospice facility, surgery center, pharmacy, medical office, or other care provider group, the FREE Toolkit is for you. Download the Toolkit guide with a checklist of suggestions for activities to promote awareness of safety efforts at your organization.