In the past 18 months, the Center for Patient Safety PSO collected nearly 500 reports of unlabeled or mislabeled lab specimens from more than two dozen PSO participants. Research suggests more than 160,000 specimen-related adverse patient events occur annually, suggesting these remain largely underreported errors. Contributing factors include the sheer number of specimens collected and transported and the largely manual process of specimen collection.
While most reports to the CPS PSO did not reflect severe patient outcomes, we know these events can lead to confusion, errors, and delays in diagnosis and treatment, as well as additional cost.
Healthcare professionals rely on accurate test results to make informed decisions about patient care. Improperly labeled or prepared specimens delay diagnosis and treatment, potentially compromising patient care. Studies indicate, for example, that each hour of delay in treating an infection can exponentially increase the odds of death. Labeling issues can also lead to erroneous test results, leading providers astray. Mislabeled specimens can lead to "wrong patient" errors, precursors to incorrect treatments and unnecessary procedures. Studies show that an irretrievably lost specimen may cost up to $548, mislabeled specimens with redraw cost an estimated $712 per error. While these numbers may seem small, their total numbers, based on the large volume of specimens handled by a hospital annually, can be as high as $1 million for a large hospital.
Pediatric blood draws seem especially challenging. Small children's limited total blood volume can prevent redraws of a mislabeled or lost specimen. The consequences of such mistakes can be severe or potentially life-threatening for the child and create unnecessary stress for parents.
Review your event reporting system for specimen-related reports. Whether or not serious injury resulted, study each report to identify the failure point(s) in your process.
Things to consider as you review events (or practices as part of a forward-looking review):
If mislabeling, misidentification, delay, or loss occurs, establish a pathway to review the event. For example, the discovery of an unlabeled or mislabeled specimen should trigger the notification of the relevant personnel to reduce delays and mitigate potential patient harm. Staff should report the event along with any actions taken to address the issue. Only by looking at the universe of specimen occurrences can an organization understand the challenges presented by its procedures.
PROTOCOL DEVELOPMENT AND TRAINING. Make sure all stakeholders, including laboratory, IT, and any transport personnel, are represented in the planning process. Employees should participate in regular and thorough training to know how to label and correctly collect specimens. They must understand the process so that they can be held accountable for it. The responsibility for designing the system belongs to the organization; it's not enough to just extort employees "to do it right." With a sound system and comprehensive training, employees can develop a strong sense of responsibility for testing integrity, ultimately enhancing patient safety and the overall quality of healthcare services.