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Patient Safety Blog: Just Culture

Ensure PSSM Success by Leveraging PSAW 2025 Strategies

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PSAW 2025: Turning Awareness into Action for Patient Safety

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CMS’s Patient Safety Structural Measure: Forcing Hospitals to Look Behind the Curtain

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The Vaught Verdict: Where is Vanderbilt?

We have heard voices on all sides of the RaDonda Vaught case and studied the published facts and...

Patient harm is still a challenge throughout healthcare, including EMS

COLUMBIA, MISSOURI - A new, year-long webinar series – a different webinar each month in 2020 –...

Missouri Board of Pharmacy Regional Meeting

It was an honor to be the key note speaker for the southwestern regional Board of Pharmacy...

Zero Harm

Zero Harm – that’s the goal for every health care provider! The only way to achieve this is for...

The Joint Commission released Sentinel Event Alert #57

The Joint Commission released Sentinel Event Alert #57 this week:  The Essential Role of Leadership...