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Patient Safety Blog: EMS

New Staff for a New Era in EMS

The Center for Patient Safety launched its first EMS programs fifteen years ago. With support from...

It's 2022 EMS Week

Today, as was the case in 1974, many Americans have limited understanding of how EMS works, but are...

Three Key Decisions When Selecting a Culture Evaluation Vendor

CPS' deep experience - delivering thousands of surveys to hundreds of thousands of employees -...

Joint Position Statement Offers Guidance on Lights and Sirens

Collaborators on the project included most national EMS associations. The Center for Patient Safety...

How do you decide when to administer a patient safety culture survey?

COVID-19 introduces new challenges when it comes to deciding when the time is right for patient...

One Storm - Different Boats

Recently, a friend of mine made a post on social media about our collective experience with the new...

Brian LaCroix Joins the Center for Patient Safety

Bringing National EMS Leadership Focus to the Prevention of Patient Harm

Patient harm is still a challenge throughout healthcare, including EMS

COLUMBIA, MISSOURI - A new, year-long webinar series – a different webinar each month in 2020 –...